July 2, 2013

Wow! That was EASY!

I got to try out the Project Life style of scrapbooking for the first time this month. I was both nervous and excited. I was nervous because it pushed me outside of my usual style and excited because I loved that I could get more done quickly. It was quick, easy, and quite liberating, to be honest! I think it's perfect for the thousands of sports photos I take of my boys (you think I'm exagerating, but I'm really not!). This is going to change how I scrapbook those... okay, let's get real... I currently don't scrapbook 95% of the sports photos I take because I just don't have the time. Looks like I don't have that excuse anymore.  Sure, I'll still spend hours creating a layout for that one special picture, but now I'll also be able to get all the just-as-important extra shots in the boys' sports books using this method too.

Because I'm a texture and dimension-type of gal I decided to add elements, like these foam stickers on the outside of the plastic.

And check out what you can do with molding paste, stencils, and PanPastels. All of these items are available at Paper Pals! The molding paste isn't coming off either!

I also used my stencil and PanPastels on the team card. Just be sure that when you pick up your pastels that you pick up some fixative spray as well!

I just love the sheets of sports-themed papers that Paper Pals carries! All of these cards make journaling a breeze! Check out the full collection available a the store on the Paper Pals blog here.

Adding more texture and elements!

Such fun designs to choose from!

I decided to round the corners on the cards for this layout.

The other thing I like about this style of scrapbooking is that they will fit nicely into my D-ring binders!

I will definitely be incorporating more of these pages into my scrapbooks! I hope you'll check them out in person at Paper Pals, along with all the great products available to customize your Project Life!
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July 1, 2013

We R Memory Keepers - Memo Journaling Cards

It is hot outside!  What better way to avoid the heat than to spend an hour in a cool, quiet part of your home, to scrapbook something? Even in the summer, you CAN find time to document your memories. 
These pages came together in about 15 minutes!  It took me longer to decide which of the amazing colors/patterns to use from the We R Memory Keepers - Albums Made Easy Memor Journaling Cards than to actually complete the layouts!
If you are busy like me, you really should consider adding pages to your albums quickly using a memory keeping system like this one, or perhaps the new Project Life by Becky Higgins that Paper Pals now carries! If you haven't been printing photos, because you feel overwhelmed by how many there would be, this system could be a great solution for you. After all, photos in a book get seen, photos on a computer...not so much.
These cards came together really quickly as well.  Because the journaling cards all coordinate, you don't have to think about it much to create a card for practically any occasion, or even a set of cards that you could give as a give to a friend. 
Sure, a TV on the front of a card is random, but inside that card, it says, "in other news".  What a fun way to tell someone about a big change in your life?  We've lost the art of writing hand written notes...let's bring it back!
OK, I miscalculated the time it took to create these layouts and cards.  We need to count the 15 minutes it took my Glossy Accents to dry as well! 
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